Monthly Minutes April 2012

The Village of Wilbur Park – St. Louis, MO 63123
April 17, 2012 – Monthly Minutes

  1. Meeting opened 7:00pm with all Board Members in attendance. Attorney Bob Paster absent. Three Village residents in attendance. One St. Louis County Police Officer in attendance.
  2. March 2012 minutes reviewed. Minutes stand as presented.
  3. Following the third and final reading of Ordinance 003-012, allowing the Village to enter into a contract with D & D Paving for the milling and repaving of Rosemary Avenue, a motion to accept the Ordinance 003-012 was made by JC Wheeler and seconded by Rich Warren. A voice vote followed and Ordinance 003-012 was accepted by the Board.
  4. Treasurer’s Report for April 2012 presented by JC Wheeler.
    March 2012 Total Income $9,957.91
    Total Expense $10,418.36
    Net Loss [$460.45]
    A Profit & Loss Statement for the period January 2012 through March 2012 was presented
    showing a net income for the period of $5,468.18.

    he Sewer Lateral Municipal receipts were presented. The available balance in the Sewer Lateral Fund currently stands at $10,345.90. No Expenditures from the Sewer Lateral Fund have been
    made during calendar year 2012.

  5. Road and Building Commissioners Report presented by Rich Warren.
    No Inspections. No Occupancy Permits issued. Upon the scheduling of milling and repaving of Rosemary Avenue, Rich will prepare and distribute informational flyers to the residents advising of street repair dates and any parking or street access restrictions.
  6. Solid Waste Hauling Report presented by Vernon Foerstel.
    The trees have been planted by Sherwood Forest Nursery and look great. Vernon phoned Waste Management and thanked them for their diligence in placing empty cans and lids out of the street and driveway access.
    The Board took a few minutes to acknowledge and thank Vernon for his years of service on the Village Board. Ben Gathard was introduced to the Board and Village Residents. Ben ill be sworn in at the May meeting to replace Vernon.
  7. Police report presented by Chairman Joe Wilhite.
    Total Contract Patrols 200 1942 minutes spent Average minutes per Contract Patrols 9.71
    Total Other Patrols 20 230 minutes spent Average minutes per Other Patrols 11.48
  8. Village Clerk Report presented by Neal Vohsen.
    No Garage or Yard Sale permits issued.
  9. Chairman’s Report presented by Joe Wilhite.
    Board of Police Commisioners Breakfast to be held May 4. Village Board members who wish to attend should contact Joe. Police will wear dress uniforms this daym, and a Memorial Service honoring fallen Police and Firefighters will be held immediately following the Breakfast at St. Louis County Memorial Park.
    Center of Ethics in Public Life will be presenting a seminar on April 19, at the JC Penny Conference Center on the University of Missouri Campus, Open and free to the public.
  10. New Business

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

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