Monthly Meeting Minutes – March 19, 2024



March 19, 2024


  1. Meeting Called to order at 7:03 PM. Board Members Neal Vohsen, Heidi Warren, Ryan
    Richardson. Village Attorney Bob Paster present. Officer Chris Burrows present. JC
    Wheeler absent. Officer Quorum met.
  2.  Chairman Vohsen moved for the minutes for February’s meeting to be approved.
  3.  February 2024 Police Report – Officer Burrows:
    Total calls for service: 228
    7 directed calls
    221 self-initiated calls
    2 reports written
  4.  February 2024 Treasurer’s Report – J.C. Wheeler, presented by Neal Vohsen
    Income: 11,193.06
    Expenses: 13,341.98
    Net Income: (2,148.92)
    7,000 pending for Sewer Lateral fund.
  5.  Road and Building interim Commissioner’s Report – Chairman Vohsen
    Vohsen said he was meeting with STL Paving that Thursday in regards to road repair in
    the Village. He also is following up with other contractors to secure bids for the board.
    He is wanting to present these bids in April, with an ordinance to be possibly worked on in April.
    Board discussed current ordinance-related issues with signage on Virgil Ave, mainly
    focused on No-Parking and Handicap parking.
  6.  Solid Waste Management Report – Heidi Warren
    9108 Dana – Recycle Bin replacement
  7.  Village Clerk Report – No Report to add.
  8.  Chairman’s Report – No New Business. Reviewed previous statements included in other reports.
  9.  New Business – Affton Fire Departments gave a presentation for the April 2nd election to secure additional bonding.


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