The Village of Wilbur Park St. Louis, MO 63123
May 21, 2013 – Monthly Minutes
1. Meeting opened at 7:00pm with a moment of silence for the Moore, Oklahoma tornado victims. All Board Members in attendance. Four Village residents in attendance. St. Louis County Police Officer Dan Schroeder in attendance.
2. April 2013 minutes reviewed. Meeting minutes stand as presented.
3. Treasurer’s Report for March 2013 presented by Treasurer JC Wheeler.
April 2013 Total Income $10,542.76
Total Expense $ 7,040.21
Net Income(Loss) $ 3,502.55
Balance Sheet as of April 30, 2013 presented. Profit and Loss Statement presented.
4. Road and Building Commissioners Report presented by Rich Warren. No housing permits issued. Three homes have been cited for Ordinance violations. 1. Dana Avenue – fencing, pets. 2. Wayne Avenue – New construction without permits. 3. Rosemary Avenue – general home and lot upkeep.
5. Solid Waste Hauling Report presented by Ben Gathard.
No waste hauling issues to report.
6. Police report presented by Joe Wilhite.
Total Contract patrols 193 1768 minutes spent Average minutes of Contract Patrols 9.16
Total Other Patrols 15 213 minutes spent Average minutes of Other Patrols 14.19
7. Village Clerk report presented by Neal Vohsen.
No Garage Sale or Yard Sale activity to report.
8. Special Projects report presented by Sue Schleicher.
Home on Hershey Avenue cited for sidewalk ordinance violation has sidewalk repair under contract waiting for repair work to begin. Home on Philo Avenue will be cited for sidewalk trip hazard.
9. Chairman’s Report presented by Joe Wilhite.
MSD Project Clear program described. Rosemary, Philo, and Kathleen Avenues will be dug out to replace sanitary sewer line. Project Clear will install two sewer pipes, one storm water pipe and one public sewer pipe. Discussion began regarding the impact the new pipes will have on existing sewer lateral lines.
Joe agreed to assist a young resident earning a Citizenship in Community Scout Merit Badge. Assistance will provide community service hours in the Village. Projects discussed included watering trees, planting annuals, and painting pots on Virgil Avenue.
Meeting adjourned 7:40pm.