2017/2018 Meeting Dates
Meetings will be held the 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Parish Center at St. George from 7 – 9 pm (4974 Heege Road, 63123). All residents are encouraged to attend.
Occupancy Permits
When a change of occupancy takes place at any dwelling in Wilbur Park, whether the dwelling is to be rented or sold, it is the homeowner’s responsibility to request an inspection through the Building & Roads Commissioner. There is no charge for the inspection.
Building Permits
A permit must be secured for all additions or improvements. Repairs on existing structures do not require a permit, for example, roofs/windows/driveways/sidewalks.
Trash/Recycling/Yard Waste – Waste Management 866-570-4702
- Household waste pickup is Tuesday.
- Recycling pickup is Wednesday.
- Yard Waste pickup is Wednesday (April 1st – Dec 31st)
- Remember, household waste is to be put in fly tight containers with lids. This helps eliminate bags being torn open by animals.
- All yard waste must be in cans or in recyclable brown bags. Yard waste in plastic bags will not be picked up.
- Residents are allowed one free bulk pick up on a quarterly basis (excludes white goods). Call WM for pick up schedule.
- Circles are not a dumping site; trash and yard waste are not permitted.
- Recycling Carts – when and if you sell your home, the recycle carts must stay with the house because they are the property of the Village of Wilbur Park. Green carts for recycling only.
- For concerns and pick up issues, please contact WM.
Garage Sales
- A permit is required and residents should contact Village Clerk or register on the Village of Wilbur Park website.
- One sale every 12 months.
- Sale to be conducted for a period no longer than two consecutive days.
Upcoming Election – April 3rd – Position Available on Board
- December 12 – Opening of candidate filings (8:00 a.m.) for the April 3rd General Municipal Election
- January 16 – Closing of candidate filings (5:00 p.m.) for the April 3rd General Municipal Election
- January 23 – Closing (5:00 p.m.) for receiving certification of election forms for the April 3rd General Municipal Election
- February 20 – Absentee opens for the April 3rd General Municipal Election
- March 7 – Last day to register for the April 3rd General Municipal Election
- March 23 – Last day to file as a write-in candidate for the April 3rd General Municipal Election
- March 28 – Last day (5:00 p.m.) absentee applications will be accepted through the mail or in person from a guardian or relative of the applicant for the April 3rd General Municipal Election
- April 3 – ELECTION DAY, Polls open from 6:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
- More information available on our website
- The Village ordinances state “no person shall maintain in his/her private property more than 2 pets at any one time. “Pet” is defined as a domesticated animal (No chickens).
- For safety, the Village requires pet owners to leash their dogs while walking in the Village.
- Please be courteous to your neighbors and promptly pick up after your animal.
Sewer Lateral Program
- The Village charges an annual assessment fee of $50 to participate in the Sewer Lateral Program.
- The Village has 214 homes, $50 per home = $10,700 and the average sewer lateral bill has been in the neighborhood of $2,200. Possibility exists that the sewer lateral treasury will be dissipated before 12/31 of each year.
- For more information on the program, please log on to stlouisco.com or call 314-615-8427.
Responsibility of Homeowner
- Keep weeds, tall grass, and brush on your property cut and removed.
- Keep trees properly trimmed.
- Keep sidewalks and driveways replaced/repaired as needed.
- Please do not block driveways or sidewalks with parked vehicles.
Safety Reminders
- If possible, keep your car parked inside of a garage instead of in your driveway or on the street.
- Always lock your vehicle, even if you are only leaving for a few minutes.
- Never leave a running vehicle unattended.
- Don’t leave valuables in your car. If you do, make sure they are kept out of plain sight. Hide them under a blanket, or better yet, lock them in your trunk.
- When transporting valuables, place them in the trunk before you get to the location where you intend to park. Don’t transfer them at the parking place in open view of other people.
Neighborhood Watch Program
The Village of Wilbur Park is now part of the Neighborhood Watch Program. Our coordinator is Linda Noel. Her contact information is lnoel@wilsonschool.com. Please email her with your name, address and email address and she will put you on the list to receive any important information that is pertinent to Wilbur Park and/or the Affton area. The purpose of the neighborhood watch program is to reduce crime through citizen involvement and police cooperation. The members of the neighborhood watch program are ultimately the eyes and ears of their neighborhood for each other and the St. Louis County Police Department in a cooperative effort to keep it safe. The officer contact at the Affton Precinct will email information to Linda and she will pass it along to all of those who wish to participate.
The Village of Wilbur Park now has a Facebook page. Please “Like” our page. We are hoping that this will be another form of communication for the village.
Village of Wilbur Park Board
Chairman – Joseph E. Wilhite – 314-631-3963 – jwilhite@villageofwilburpark.com
Treasurer – J. C. Wheeler – 314-638-3499 – jcwheeler@villageofwilburpark.com
Village Clerk – Neal Vohsen – 314-323-1526 – nvohsen@villageofwilburpark.com
Roads & Building Commissioner – Position Vacant
Waste Coordinator – Dan Kaestner – 314-276-2342 – dkaestner@villageofwilburpark.com